Moosapet slum was identified by a few women who wanted to spend their time in service to others. They initially entered the slum to teach health hygiene to the women in the slum which gradually evolved as informal school for children who were employed as child labor in the nearby industries.

The rapport in the community was built gradually whilst liaising with the government for the slum dwellers for their water and sanitation facilities. Eventually a formal school Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Mandir School recognized by the Government was officially started in the year 1996. The school not only provides free education but also provides free mid day meals, school uniforms, books and other amenities. The students are also supported for higher education as per their interest and constant counselling and guidance.


SRI SATYA SAI VIDYA MANDIR school aims to provide a solid and holistic educational foundation to children from slums and low income communities around Moosapet slums. All the students are either orphans, single parents or from economically lower strata of the society.

The school aims to bridge the learning gaps and ensure that the children pursue their education focusing on core values. School does not only focus on academic education but also on non-academic learning to mould and nurture confidence, self esteem and self-awareness amongst our students.

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vedas chanting underpriveleged school-1 underpriveleged img 2 religion lab karate

At A Glance

  • No. of students: 350
  • Staff & Volunteers: 21
  • Supplementary education for grade VI to XII
  • Conceptual understanding Experiential learning
  • Includes health and nutrition
  • Value based education
  • Computer Literacy
  • Spoken English
  • Soft Skills
  • Dance & Music
  • Veda Chanting
  • Yoga & Meditation