Online Sessions: Online sessions have started inthe month of June for 10th grade, July for 8th and 9thgrades and August for grades 3rd to 7th.
Staff meetings: The staff meetings were held and discussed on measures to be taken when the school reopens. Discussed roles and responsibilities of Internal complaints committee (ICC) and Child grievance and Safety committee to implement POSH and CP&S policy. Delegated the committee’s work to the concerned staff.
Discussed to put emphasis on teaching moral values, Sathya Sai teachings along with academics to build students mental and emotional strength. This would help them to face challenges in unforeseen situations. Regular staff meetings were conducted bi-weekly to discuss the challenges.
Conve Genius – Whatsapp based learning model was piloted. Grades of 7, 8, 9 and 10 are using it.
1. TMF training–
a) All teachers trained by L & D team covering topics like Google Meet, Forms, creating effective worksheets and editing videos.
b) Training session on Project management system was provided.
2. LIFE Intervention-
a) Online Training Programs for all teachers from grades1-10 (General Capacity trainings & Online learning and teaching Methodologies).
Training programs were assigned to all teacher son Eval brix platforms.
I. Trainings included – Integrity & Ethics
ii. Metacognition
iii. Classroom Management
iv. Understanding Online Learning – Teaching Methodologies
b) Teacher Orientation for grades 1 – 5on LIFE Curriculum Program & Implementation (2 day Online Training on the curriculum, implementation & Technology Platform).
c) Grades 1-5 teachers training for conducting online classes effectively.
d) One to one meeting conducted to train teachers for effective implementation of the same.
e) Teacher Orientation on LIFE Skills Program -Grades 6-10.
f) Plans have been assigned for 3 weeks since the online classes were started in Aug Week3.
g) All Lesson Plans created to make it suitable for online teaching.
h) An app has been given to each teacher for Classes
i) 1-5 for easy access to plans and conduct of classes.